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  • Probabilistic Robotics.pdf



    标签: Probabilistic Robotics pdf

    上传时间: 2017-11-29


  • Robotics modeling, Planning and Control

    This is a great introductory book for manipulators. There are clear examples to help walk through kinematics, dynamics and control.


    标签: Robotics Planning modeling Control and

    上传时间: 2019-10-28


  • Service+Robotics+within+the+Digital+Home

    Over the past few decades there has been an exponential growth in service robots and smart home technologies, which has led to the development of exciting new products in our daily lives. Service robots can be used to provide domestic aid for the elderly and disabled, serving various functions rangi ...


    标签: Robotics Service Digital within Home the

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Make an Arduino-Controlled Robot

    Building a robot and enabling it to sense its environment is a wonderful way to take your Arduino knowledge to the next level. In writing this book, I have brought together my love for invention and my experience with electronics, robotics and microcontrollers. I hope you have as much pleasure build ...


    标签: Arduino-Controlled Robot Make an

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Practical Arduino Cool Projects

    Phenomenon is an overused and overloaded term, but somehow it seems appropriate for Arduino—an endeavor that has caught the attention of an astonishingly wide range of people and provided opportunities for those who might otherwise have never picked up a soldering iron or written a single line of c ...


    标签: Practical Projects Arduino Cool

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control

    This book describes a unifying framework to networked teleoperation systems cutting across multiple research fields including networked control system for linear and nonlinear forms, bilateral teleoperation, trilateral teleoperation, multilateral teleoperation, cooperative teleoperation, and some te ...


    标签: Teleoperation Intelligent Networked Control

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April-2017

    Modern information technologies and the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. Computers, algorithms and software simplify everyday tasks, and it is impossible to imagine how most of our life could be managed ...


    标签: AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April 2017

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • automation-and-robotics

    In this book for the optimisation of assembly conveyor lines we are dealing with series part production featured by a medium complexity degree and a medium number of individual components and assembly technique alternatives. Modern production techniques for medium to large series products or mass pr ...


    标签: automation-and-robotics

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 智能机器人仿真系统设计

    摘要: 智能机器人仿真系统,由于智能机器人受到自身多传感器信息融合和控制多样性等因素的影响,仿真系统设计主要都 是以数学建模的形式化仿真为主,无法实现数学建模与场景实现协调仿真。为此,首先分析两轮移动机器人数学运动模型, 然后设计与机器人控制系统相关的传感器数据采集分析、机器人智能自动控制和人工控制等模 ...


    标签: 智能机器人

    上传时间: 2022-03-11
