Fortran 90 versions of all the Numerical Recipes routines appear in the following
Chapters B1 through B20, numbered in correspondence with Chapters 1 through 20
in Volume 1. Within each chapter, the routines appear in the same order as in Volume
1, but not broken out separately by section number wit ...
The Java Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical
examples for anyone programming in Java. Developers will find hundreds of tried-andtrue
Java "recipes" covering all of the major APIs as well as some APIs that aren t as well
documented in other Java books.
OReilly.Ajax.on.Rails.Dec.2006. ISBN-10: 0-596-52744-6.
Learn to build dynamic, interactive web applications using the two most important approaches to web development today: Ajax and the phenomenally efficient Ruby on Rails platform. This book teaches intermediate to advanced web developers how to ...
This cookbook contains a wealth of solutions to problems that SQL programmers face all the time. Recipes inside range from how to perform simple tasks, like importing external data, to ways of handling issues that are more complicated, like set algebra. Each recipe includes a discussion that explain ...
PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content ...