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Processor 279


  • XAPP996-双处理器参考设计套件

    This is the Xilinx Dual Processor Reference Designs suite. The designs illustrate a few differentdual-core architectures based on the MicroBlaze™ and PowerPC™ processors. The designsillustrate various concepts described in the Xilinx White Paper WP262 titled, “DesigningMultiproce ...


    标签: XAPP 996 双处理器 参考设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • NIOSII用户定制指令

    With the Altera Nios II embedded processor, you as the system designercan accelerate time-critical software algorithms by adding custominstructions to the Nios II processor instruction set. Using custominstructions, you can reduce a complex sequence of standard instructionsto a single instruction im ...


    标签: NIOSII 用户 定制 指令

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • LPC4300系列ARM双核微控制器产品数据手册

    The LPC4350/30/20/10 are ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embeddedapplications. The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation core that offers systemenhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a highlevel of support block integration.The LPC4350/30/20/10 operate at CPU ...


    标签: 4300 LPC ARM 双核微控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 时钟恢复设计_英文版

    Today in many applications such as network switches, routers, multi-computers,and processor-memory interfaces, the ability to integrate hundreds of multi-gigabit I/Os is desired to make better use of the rapidly advancing IC technology.


    标签: 时钟恢复 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 基于GT-800的贴片机控制系统

    摘要:介绍了基于数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processor,DSP)的运动控制器GT-800在贴片机控制系统中的应用。该系统采用以PC机为上位机、GT-800运动控制器为下位机的硬件结构,上下位机之间的通讯采用基于ISA总线的双端口RAM的模式,系统的软件设计采用基于VisualC++6.0的软件设计模式。关键词:GT-800运动控制器;贴片机 ...


    标签: 800 GT 贴片机 控制系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • 远程配置Nios II处理器应用笔记

         通过以太网远程配置Nios II 处理器 应用笔记 Firmware in embedded hardware systems is frequently updated over the Ethernet. For embedded systems that comprise a discrete microprocessor and the devices it controls, the firmware is the software image run by the microprocessor. Wh ...


    标签: Nios 远程 处理器 应用笔记

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • 面向Eclips的Nios II软件构建工具手册

    面向Eclips的Nios II软件构建工具手册 The Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse™ is a set of plugins based on the Eclipse™ framework and the Eclipse C/C++ development toolkit (CDT) plugins. The Nios II SBT for Eclipse provides a consistent development platform that works for ...


    标签: Eclips Nios 软件

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 使用Nios II紧耦合存储器教程

                 使用Nios II紧耦合存储器教程 Chapter 1. Using Tightly Coupled Memory with the Nios II Processor Reasons for Using Tightly Coupled Memory  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 Tradeoffs  . . . . . . . ...


    标签: Nios 耦合 存储器 教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • Nios II软件开发人员手册中的缓存和紧耦合存储器部分

            Nios II 软件开发人员手册中的缓存和紧耦合存储器部分 Nios® II embedded processor cores can contain instruction and data caches. This chapter discusses cache-related issues that you need to consider to guarantee that your program executes correctly on the ...


    标签: Nios 软件开发 存储器

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • Nios II定制指令用户指南

         Nios II定制指令用户指南:With the Altera Nios II embedded processor, you as the system designer can accelerate time-critical software algorithms by adding custom instructions to the Nios II processor instruction set. Using custom instructions, you can reduce a complex sequen ...


    标签: Nios 定制 指令 用户

    上传时间: 2013-10-12
