There has long been a need for portable ultrasoundsystems that have good resolution at affordable costpoints. Portable systems enable healthcare providersto use ultrasound in remote locations such asdisaster zones, developing regions, and battlefields,where it was not previously practical to do so ...
MP3 portable players are the trend in music-listening technology. These players do not includeany mechanical movements, thereby making them ideal for listening to music during any type ofactivity. MP3 is a digital compression technique based on MPEG Layer 3 which stores music ina lot less ...
Libnet is a cross-platform library aimed at game developers. It has an abstract high level API, which encourages developers to make their games portable across platforms and network types
* This function positions the cursor at the specified * x,y coordinate. It uses the ANSI standard ESCAPE * * sequence to produce the desired effect. Its not the * * fastest way to position the cursor, but perhaps the * * most portable. *
Many many developers all over the net respect NASM for what i s
- a widespread (thus netwide), portable (thus netwide!), very
flexible and mature assembler tool with support for many output
formats (thus netwide!!).
Now we have good news for you: NASM is licensed under LGPL.
This means its developm ...
wcdma的多径环境下的上下行仿真,EITS标准,written by The Mobile and Portable Radio Research Group The Bradley rtment of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia
graspForth is my humble attempt at a Forth-in-C that has the following goals:
GCC ......... to support all 32-bit micros that GCC cross-compiles to.
Relocatable . to be able to run in-place in either Flash or Ram.
Fast ........ to be "not much" slower than an assembly based native Forth.
Small ... ...
SDL Library Documentation. The SDL library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Win32 and BeOS using the various native high-performance media interfaces, (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-code level API to your application. SDL is a fairly ...
This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2).
Improvements in this new version includes:
This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which will greatly reduce the size of the final executable.
R ...
The Fortran 90 Handbook is a definitive and comprehensive guide to Fortran 90
and its use. Fortran 90, the latest standard version of Fortran, has many
excellent new features that will assist the programmer in writing efficient,
portable, and maintainable programs. The Fortran 90 Handbook is an info ...