A Stock Exchange simulator to show timers and randon number generators work together. A cool simulation for anyone who might think about playing the stocks and spending money and get a general idea how the system works.
Java MP3 Player,
Here s a list of features:
- Reads, creates, updates, and removes id3v2.3 and id3v2.4 tags
- Reads, creates, updates, and removes id3v1 tags
- Extracts MPEG data such as bit rate, sample rate, channel mode, etc.
- Calculates playing time of mp3 from mpeg information (no good w/VBR)
A Perl-based statistics management system designed for academic competition tournaments. These tournaments, which are called "College Bowl," "quiz bowl," and a variety of other names, involve teams playing against each other in either timed or untime
The latest file releases
This C++ example demonstrates how to play (a maximum of 16) simultaneous voices. The example has eight blocks moving on the screen and playing sounds when they collide with a wall or with each other. The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMda ...
[开源 绿色软件] [运行环境 Windows XP/7/8/10] [语言 简体/繁體/English/Unicode]
A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis.
应网友要求,加入了Tag编辑、自动切换列表、播放队列、鼠标手 ...
A series of features makes the mobile telecommunications industry an
interesting field of investigation for economists: the industry is experi-
encing veryfastmarketgrowthcombinedwithrapidtechnological change;
regulatory design in setting market structure is playing a very important
role; and oligop ...
We’re living through exciting times. The landscape of what computers can do is
changing by the week. Tasks that only a few years ago were thought to require
higher cognition are getting solved by machines at near-superhuman levels of per-
formance. Tasks such as describing a photographic image with ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly been one of the most important buz-
zwords over the past years. The goal in AI is to design algorithms that transform com-
puters into “intelligent” agents. By intelligence here we do not necessarily mean an
extraordinary level of smartness shown by sup ...