A dissipative particle swarm optimization is
developed according to the self-organization of dissipative
structure. The negative entropy is introduced to construct an
opening dissipative system that is far-from-equilibrium so as to
driving the irreversible evolution process with better fitness.
The ...
Swarm intelligence algorithms are based on natural
behaviors. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a
stochastic search and optimization tool. Changes in the
PSO parameters, namely the inertia weight and the
cognitive and social acceleration constants, affect the
performance of the search process. Th ...
New training algorithm for linear classification SVMs that can be much faster than SVMlight for large datasets. It also lets you direcly optimize multivariate performance measures like F1-Score, ROC-Area, and the Precision/Recall Break-Even Point.
The core of Java(TM) technology, the Java virtual machine is an abstract computing machine that enables the Java(TM) platform to host applications on any computer or operating system without rewriting or recompiling. Anyone interested in designing a language or writing a compiler for the Java virtua ...
There are two files in the zip folder. bpsk_spread.m and jakesmodel.m
Steps for simulation:
1] Run jakesmodel.m first
2] Then run bpsk_spread.m .
3] Note that during the first run bpsk_spread.m has no rayleigh fading.This is because the corresponding code has been commented
4] The resulting performa ...
Matlab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to
its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the
most frequent simulation tasks in the field of digital communications is bit-error-
rate testing of modems. The bit-error-rate perfor ...
A PLD Based Delta-Sigma DAC
Delta-Sigma modulation is the simple, yet powerful,
technique responsible for the extraordinary
performance and low cost of today s audio CD
players. The simplest Delta-Sigma DAC consists of a
Delta-Sigma modulator and a one ...
LAPACK++ (Linear Algebra PACKage in C++) is a software library for numerical linear algebra that solves systems of linear equations and eigenvalue problems on high performance computer architectures
Abstract-The effect of the companding process on QAM signals
has been under investigation for the past several years. The
compander, included in the PCM telephone network to improve
voice performance, has an unusual affect on digital QAM data
signals which are transmitted over the same channel. The ...