Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure
and report ambient temperature. When connected to
an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure
and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in
degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be
monitored with any terminal program. If ...
阐述了一个由上位PC机和AT89C52下位单片机组成的主从分布式温度巡回检测系统。主从机采用RS-485 串行通讯标准进行通信,可在下位单片机实现基本的温度数据巡回检测基础上,由上位PC机实现综合处理功能或扩展为远程操作。整个系统具有巡检速度快,扩展性好的特点。
In this paper,a top PC and AT89C52 u ...