模式识别学习综述.该论文的英文参考文献为303篇.很有可读价值.Abstract— Classical and recent results in statistical pattern
recognition and learning theory are reviewed in a two-class
pattern classification setting. This basic model best illustrates
intuition and analysis techniques while still contain ...
Part 1. OO Techniques
Chapter 1. OO Software Development
Chapter 2. Case Study--OO in C++
Part 2. Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 3. Basic C++ Programming
Chapter 4. Object-O ...
Low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher
This the low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher.
The package hitag2.zip contains the following files:
hitag2.png - Cipher overview
hitag2.c - Source-code
Recent advances in experimental methods have resulted in the generation
of enormous volumes of data across the life sciences. Hence clustering and
classification techniques that were once predominantly the domain of ecologists
are now being used more widely. This book provides an overview of these
i ...
The widespread use of embedded systems mandates the development of industrial software design methods, i.e. computer-aided design and engineering of embedded applications using formal models (frameworks) and standardized prefabricated components, much in the same way as in other mature areas of engi ...
Jvm 规范说明。The Java Virtual Machine was designed to support the Java programming language. Some concepts and vocabulary from the Java language are thus necessary to understand the virtual machine. This chapter gives enough of an overview of Java to support the discussion of the Java Virtual Machi ...
n Introduction
n Setting Up the Tutorial
n Graphical Interface
n The Alarm Clock Design
n Setting Design Environment
n Setting Design Constraints
n Overview of Optimization Phases
n Analysis of Report
H.264/AVC, the result of the collaboration between the ISO/IEC
Moving Picture Experts Group and the ITU-T Video Coding
Experts Group, is the latest standard for video coding. The goals
of this standardization effort were enhanced compression efficiency,
network friendly video representation for inte ...