This application creates an USB HID (Human-Interface Device) keyboard on a host computer. Pressing any of the buttons on the board outputs characters or special keys on the host side
The design of control systems involving piezoelectric actuators and sensors requires an accurate knowledge of the transfer functions between the inputs and the outputs of the system.
This program is used to measure the temperature sensor on an F330
device. It uses 1-point calibration and stores the offset value
in FLASH memory. The program outputs temperature values in 100ths
of a degree Celsius with UART.
Channel transmission simulator
Channel transmission simulator
% inputs:
% sig2 - noise variance
% Mt - number of Tx antennas
% Mr - number of Rx antennas
% x - vector of complex input symbols (for MIMO, this is a matrix, where each column
% is the value of the antenna outputs a ...
DESCRIPTION : BIN to seven segments converter
-- segment encoding
-- a
-- +---+
-- f | | b
-- +---+ <- g
-- e | | c
-- +---+
-- d
-- Enable (EN) active : high
-- Outputs (data_out) active : low
c8051f340 串口 程序This program demonstrates how to configure the C8051F340 to use routines
in STDIO.h to write to and read from the UART interface. The program
reads a character using the STDIO routine getkey(), outputs that character
to the screen, and then outputs the ASCII hex value of that cha ...
The main features of the considered identification problem are that there is no an a priori separation of the variables into inputs and outputs and the approximation criterion, called misfit, does not depend on the model representation. The misfit is defined as the minimum of the l2-norm between the ...
Device pins that are not connected to a specific peripheral function are controlled by the
GPIO registers. Pins may be dynamically configured as inputs or outputs. Separate
registers allow setting or clearing any number of outputs simu
simulating a convolutional encoder
allows the user to input a source code to be encoded and also input the values of the generator polynomials. It outputs the encoded data bits, where 1/n is the code rate
Semantic analysis of multimedia content is an on going research
area that has gained a lot of attention over the last few years.
Additionally, machine learning techniques are widely used for multimedia
analysis with great success. This work presents a combined approach
to semantic adaptation of neur ...