the source code is writed by the authot, the susan algorithm to detecte the corner linear and many other features. you can use it in your workspace in windows or linux.
VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using OpenGL. Suitable for computer vision
VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using OpenGL. Suitable for computer vision
VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using OpenGL. Suitable for computer vision
VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using OpenGL. Suitable for computer vision