Please unzip the file and make the file under linux with version 2.6 or above. The function is just like the utility traceroute in linux or tracert in windows.
Here we are at the crossroads once again
Youre telling me youre so confused
You cant make up your mind
Is this meant to be
Youre asking me
But only love can say - try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So Ill just play my part
And pray you ll have a ...
GNU Make 使用手册(中译版)
译者注:本人在阅读Linux源代码过程中发现如果要全面了解Linux的结构、理解Linux的编程总体设计及思想必须首先全部读通Linux源代码中各级的Makefile文件。目前,在网上虽然有一些著作,但都不能全面的解释Linux源代码中各级的Makefile文件,因此本人认真阅读了GNU Make 使用手册 ...