
  • 做网格的好程序

    做网格的好程序,PARAMESH is a package of Fortran 90 subroutines designed to provide an application developer with an easy route to extend an existing serial code which uses a logically cartesian structured mesh into a parallel code with adaptive mesh refinement(AMR).


    标签: 网格 程序

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • Range imaging offers an inexpensive and accurate means for digitizing the shape of three-dimensiona

    Range imaging offers an inexpensive and accurate means for digitizing the shape of three-dimensional objects. Because most objects self occlude, no single range image suffices to describe the entire object. We present a method for combining a collection of range images into a single polygonal mesh t ...


    标签: three-dimensiona inexpensive digitizing accurate

    上传时间: 2016-11-29


  • 密西西比大学开发的ZIGBEE源代码



    标签: ZIGBEE 大学 源代码

    上传时间: 2016-12-20


  • 韩国Yunjin Lee的博士论文

    韩国Yunjin Lee的博士论文,包含了她读博期间的主要研究成果,包括Mesh Scissoring: Contour-Based Segmentation,Mesh Parameterization Using Virtual Boundaries,Geometric Snakes for 3D Meshes,Mean Shift for 3D Meshes


    标签: Yunjin Lee 韩国 论文

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • 1. 在No.1图形窗口中绘制 y=sin(x)在[0,2*pi]内的曲线。要求曲线的颜色为绿色

    1. 在No.1图形窗口中绘制 y=sin(x)在[0,2*pi]内的曲线。要求曲线的颜色为绿色,线型为 点划线,用*标示坐标点,在x轴的附近用 黑体 标注 ‘x轴’字样,在图形的上方加上标题 ‘正弦函数’,严格控制x,y轴分度相等,并开启网格。 2. 在No.2图形窗口中创建四个子窗口,在第一、二子窗口中用不同的方法同时绘制 y=x^2,y=-x ...


    标签: sin No pi 图形

    上传时间: 2017-03-30


  • 片上网络的noxim仿真平台



    标签: noxim 片上网络 仿真平台

    上传时间: 2014-08-27


  • 由于Ogre自带的模型观察器无法处理中文名



    标签: Ogre 模型

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • 无线网络技术的发展日新月异

    无线网络技术的发展日新月异,各种802.11x标准不断被更新,新的无线网络架构和技术也不断被提出。正当无线局域网(WLAN)的发展方兴未艾时,一种新的无线Mesh网络(无线网状网络)又出现了。无线Mesh网络的核心指导思想是让网络中的每个节点都可以发送和接收信号,传统的WLAN一直存在的可伸缩性低和健壮性差等诸多问题由此 ...


    标签: 无线网络技术 发展

    上传时间: 2017-08-03


  • distmesh

    matlab有限元网格划分程序 DistMesh is a simple MATLAB code for generation of unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. It was developed by Per-Olof Persson (now at UC Berkeley) and Gilbert Strang in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. A detailed ...


    标签: matlab有限元网格划分程序

    上传时间: 2015-08-12


  • a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method

    We introduce a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method to evaluate spatial derivatives in the high-order ADER scheme. The basic idea in our reconstruction is to use only r stencils to reconstruct the point-wise values of solutions and spatial derivatives for the 2r-1 th order ADER scheme in one dimensio ...


    标签: 高精度格式

    上传时间: 2016-01-13
