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Long 207


  • LTE+&+LTE+Advanced+4G

    The aim of this book is to give an integrated presentation of the specifications for Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE Advanced radio interfaces, so that the reader can gain an overview of their main characteristics.


    标签: LTE Advanced 4G

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE+and+its+Performance

    This books attempts to provide an extensive overview on Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks. Understanding LTE and its Performance is purposely written to appeal to a broad audience and to be of value to anyone who is interested in 3GPP LTE or wireless broadband networks more generally. The aim of th ...


    标签: Performance LTE and its

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Microwave+Transmission+Networks

    Microwave radio network design is a subset of activities that constitute the overall transmission network design. Transmission networks are sometimes called transport networks, access networks, or connectivity networks. For many wireless carriers, microwave is becoming a popu- lar preference over wi ...


    标签: Transmission Microwave Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-28


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Design+Essentials

    Mobile and wireless application development has come a long way in the past few years. It has progressed beyond the hype of wireless Web applications for consumers to the reality of high-value mobile applications for corporate users. Opportunities abound for creating new mobile and wireless applicat ...


    标签: Essentials Wireless Mobile Design and

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+Web+Browsing+Using+the+Cloud

    Smartphones have become a key element in providing greater user access to the mobile Internet. Many complex applications which used to be limited to PCs, have been developed and operated on smartphones. These applications extend the functionalities of smartphones, making them more convenient for use ...


    标签: Browsing Mobile Cloud Using Web the

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Multi-point Cooperative Communication Systems

    This book is about multipoint cooperative communication, a key technology to overcome the long-standing problem of limited transmission rate caused by inter- point interference. However, the multipoint cooperative communication is not an isolated technology. Instead, it covers a vast range of resear ...


    标签: Communication Multi-point Cooperative Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next Generation Mobile Broadcasting

    Mobile wireless communications are in constant evolution due to the continu- ously increasing requirements and expectations of both users and operators. Mass multimedia* services have been for a long time expected to generate a large amount of data traffic in future wireless networks [1]. Mass multi ...


    标签: Broadcasting Generation Mobile Next

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next-Generation+Wireless+Technologies

    In the past few decades, a technological revolution has occurred that has changed the way we live in dramatic ways. This technological revolution is the result of the emergence and evolution of a wide variety of new wireless networking tech- nologies. Now people using these technologies are able to ...


    标签: Next-Generation Technologies Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Optical Wireless Communication Systems

    Optical wireless communication is an emerging and dynamic research and development area that has generated a vast number of interesting solutions to very complicated communication challenges. For example, high data rate, high capacity and minimum interference links for short-range communication for ...


    标签: Communication Wireless Optical Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Optical+Access+Networks

    The roots of this book were planted about a decade ago. At that time, I became increasingly convinced that wide-area and metropolitan-area networks, where much of my group’s research has been centered at that time, were in good shape. Although research in these fields was (and still is) needed, tha ...


    标签: Networks Optical Access

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
