This m-file simulates MPSK (BPSK,QPSK,8PSK)with theoretical and simulated results using Gray coding. Numerical examples of a satellite link design are shown using QPSK and/or 8PSK when the bit rate(Rb)is greater than the channel bandwidth Wc (Band-limited channel).
A shared library is a collection of functions that are available for use by one or more applications running on a system. On Windows operating systems, the library is compiled into a dynamic link library (.dll) file. At run-time, the library is loaded into memory and made accessible to ...
This Microsoft(R) Macro Assembler Reference lists all MASM instructions, directives, statements, and
operators. It also serves as a quick reference to the Programmer’s WorkBench commands, and the commands
for Microsoft utilities such as LINK and LIB. This book documents features of MASM version 6 ...
This code is described in "Computational Geometry in C" (Second Edition),
Chapter 8. It is not written to be comprehensible without the
explanation in that book.
Prints out one arm configuration to reach given target.
Assumes number of links >= 3.
nlinks Number of links
L1 L2 ... Ln Link l ...
看n2实例 #Create a simulator object
set ns [new Simulator]
#Define different colors for data flows
#$ns color 1 Blue
#$ns color 2 Red
#Open the nam trace file
set nf [open out-1.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $nf
set f0 [open w]
set f1 [open w]
#Define a finish procedure
proc finish {} ...