This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F12x MCU is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only slave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM
ead file "YD.DOC".
Who is the intended user
Beginners in assembly and programmers.
Features of the program:
Yilmaz Disassembler:is an interactive disassembler which lets the user be a part of the disassembling process,is flexible, the user can disassemble in different formats,has user friendly i ...
// This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F06x MCU
// is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only
// slave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are
// tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM 25LC320. The relevant hardware
// This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F06x MCU
// is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only
// slave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are
// tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM 25LC320. The relevant hardware
usb bulk 传输例程。
* The bulkusb driver is a generic function driver, based on the Windows Driver Model (WDM).
* Supports Plug and Play(PnP), Power Management(PM), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and the Selective Suspend (SS) features.
* This sample is based off the selSusp DDK sample. ...