
  • Introduction to Kernel Extension Concepts 1:Hello Kernel: Creating a Kernel Extension With Xcode 2

    Introduction to Kernel Extension Concepts 1:Hello Kernel: Creating a Kernel Extension With Xcode 2:Hello I/O Kit: Creating a Device Driver With Xcode 3:Hello Debugger: Debugging a Device Driver With GDB 4:Packaging Your KEXT for Distribution and Installation 5:Loading Kernel Extensions at Boot Time ...


    标签: Kernel Extension Introduction Concepts

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • hese are the zip files that are associated with application note ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Booting Pro

    hese are the zip files that are associated with application note ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Booting Process (EE-240) example.zip: Used throughout the EE-note to explain in detail the various booting modes. BF533 Ez Kit Multiple DXE Boot.zip: Multi-DXE Boot Example used with the ADSP-BF533 Ez-Kit Lit ...


    标签: application associated are Blackfin

    上传时间: 2017-07-30


  • This directory contains an example ADSP-BF533 subroutine that demonstrates how to create a loader

    This directory contains an example ADSP-BF533 subroutine that demonstrates how to create a loader file for the BF533 EZ-KIT, initialization code to load a program from SDRAM, and use the FlashProgrammer utility to download the file to the flash.


    标签: demonstrates subroutine directory contains

    上传时间: 2017-07-30


  • Java technology has evolved from a programming language designed to create machine-independent embe

    Java technology has evolved from a programming language designed to create machine-independent embedded systems into a robust, vendor-independent, machine-independent, server-side technology, enabling the corporate community to realize the full potential of web-centric applications. Java began with ...


    标签: machine-independent programming technology designed

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • keil单片机编写程序

     1. 安装Keil C51 V8.16版本,即uV3     2. 打开uVision3,点击File---License Management...,打开License Management窗口,复制右上角的CID     3. 打开注册机, 在CID窗口里填上刚刚复制的CID,其它设置不变     4. 点击Generate生成许可号,复制许可号     5. 将许可号复 ...


    标签: keil 单片机 注册机

    上传时间: 2016-02-25


  • grid eye

    grid eye evaluation kit


    标签: grid eye

    上传时间: 2017-05-19


  • 高清版U-Boot 开发资料2020.

    高清版U-Boot 开发资料2020.Das U-Boot 是一个主要用于嵌入式系统的引导加载程序,可以支持多种不同的计算机系统结构,包括PPC、ARM、AVR32、MIPS、x86、68k、Nios与MicroBlaze。这也是一套在GNU通用公共许可证之下发布的自由软件。Das U-Boot可以在x86计算机上建构,但这部x86计算机必须安装有可支持特定平台结构的交 ...


    标签: U-Boot

    上传时间: 2022-03-10


  • TSMC18rf design kit FOR ADS

    这是一个ADS中可用的TSMC180nm射频CMOS的design kits,亲测可用


    标签: tsmc18rf ads

    上传时间: 2022-06-14


  • 如何在matlab中使用NXPMCU的工具箱和数学函数库以及其他调试工具

    ·Overview:20 minutes-Introduction and Objectives-Motor Control Development Toolbox:Library blocks,FreeMASTER, and Bootloader·Hands-On Demo:50 minutes-Motor Kit(Describe Freescale 3-Phase Motor Kit)-Convert simple model to run on Motor Kit with MCD Toolbox and use FreeMASTER·Model Based Design:10 ...


    标签: matlab 数学函数库

    上传时间: 2022-06-24


  • 基于UEFI的底层API的性能分析及其功能测试的研究与设计

    在UEFI开源社区中,存在四个与UEFI BIOS相关的开源项目,分别为EDK(EFI Dev Kit),EDKII,EFI Shell和EFI Toolkit.其中,EDKII(EFI Development Kit)是一个开源的EFI BIOS的发布框架,其中包含一系列的开发示例和大量基本的底层库函数,因此,对于其MDE(Module Development Environment)模块开发环境的分析与测试能够 ...


    标签: uefi api

    上传时间: 2022-06-26
