USB is quick hot-pluggable, ease of use, connect and power, this book isn t too technical but practical, helps to develop I/O devices with examples and prototypes, intended for those who have programming and electronics skills.
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liab ...
This book is about writing TinyOS systems and applications in the nesC language. This chapter gives a
brief overview of TinyOS and its intended uses. TinyOS is an open-source project which a large number of
research universities and companies contribute to. The main TinyOS website, http://www.tiny ...
Supplemental information for a high-speed serial bus that integrates well with most IEEE standard
32-bit and 64-bit parallel buses is specified. It is intended to extend the usefulness of a low-cost interconnect
between external peripherals, IEEE Std 1394-1995. This standard follows the ISO/IEC 1321 ...
C programming is a craft that takes years to perfect. A reasonably sharp person can learn the basics of
C quite quickly. But it takes much longer to master the nuances of the language and to write enough
programs, and enough different programs, to become an expert. In natural language terms, this is ...
The CommScope InstaPATCH® 360 and ReadyPATCH® solutions utilize a
standards-compliant multi-fiber connector to provide high density termination
capability. The connector is called an MPO (Multi-fiber Push On) connector by
the standards. In many cases, multi-fiber connector products are referred to ...
This is the second edition of a textbook that is intended for a senior or graduate-level
course in an electrical engineering (EE) curriculum on the subject of the analysis of
multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs). It will also serve as a useful reference
for industry professionals.
This book has grown out of my teaching and research at the University of Surrey and out of
my previous experiences in companies such as Philips, Ascom and Motorola. It is
primarily intended for use by students in master’s level and enhanced final-year under-
graduate courses who are specialising in ...
This work titled A Digital Phase Locked Loop based Signal and Symbol Recovery
System for Wireless Channel is intended to serve as a document covering funda-
mental concepts and application details related to the design of digital phase locked
loop (DPLL) and its importance in wireless communication. ...
This book is intended to help electric power and telephone company
personnel and individuals interested in properly protecting critical tele
communications circuits and equipment located in high voltage (HV)
environments and to improve service reliability while maintaining safe
working conditions. ...