Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library (LwVCL) is a pure Java alternative to humble AWT-based GUI interfaces for wide ranges of platforms, including J2SE, PersonalJava and J2ME(coming soon). LwVCL can be used on Zaurus, iPAQ and other devices.
A Module-based Wireless Node (MW-Node) is a Node with wireless and mobile capabilities added by means of modules. It is not a new node object derived from Node. Rather it is a new layout of mostly existing components. Rationale for this new design has been presented in [1]. The MW-Node provides a fl ...
It shows
you how to use the Quartus® II software to create and process your own
Nios II system design that interfaces with components on Nios
development boards.
The org.snmp4j classes are capable of creating, sending, and receiving SNMPv1/v2c/v3 messages. A SNMP message is composed of its message header and its PDU payload. This package contains three main groups of classes and interfaces:
This document provides guidelines and describes how to easily port S60 2nd Edition
C++ applications to S60 3rd Edition. The document has been written based on
experiences of porting regular S60 2nd Edition applications, such as the S60 Platform:
POP/IMAP Example [4] that can be downloaded from Fo ...
This taglib contains tags used to create struts input forms, as well as other tags generally useful in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces.
Many of the tags in this tag library will throw a JspException at runtime when they are utilized incorrectly (such as when you specify an invalid combi ...
The paper describes the concept and realization of the DOOCS control software for FPGAbased
TESLA cavity controller and simulator (SIMCON). It bases on universal software
components, created for laboratory purposes and used in MATLAB based control
environment. These modules have been recently adapte ...
S60 SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layer adaptation for S60. SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library: Applications and libraries built on SDL can easily be ported to other operating systems. But S60 SDL does more than makes porting easy: S60 multimedia applications can be implemented without any kno ...