The project demonstrates many Windows common controls, including the extensive use of image lists. The project was used in the book "The Revolutionary Guide To MFC 4 Programming With Visual C++", published by Wrox Press.
SPLASH is a c++ class library that implements many of the Perl constructs and data types, including extensive regex regular expression pattern matching. For those not familiar with Perl, it is an excellent scripting language by Larry Wall and is available for most platforms. This Class library provi ...
This is a program that will let you calculate roots with the Quadratic formula (including complex roots), Factorial of a number, Fibonacci series (and Pascals Triangle still under construction).
Suite of components to add scripting capabilities to your applications, including Pascal & Basic scripting engines, Pascal & Basic syntax highlighting memo and script debug tools.
TMS Component Pack Pro Over 200 productivity VCL components, including grids, planning, scheduling, calendars, advanced edit controls, web update, enhanced listbox, treeview, combos, CAB file handling, and so much more