1.1 问题产生的环境1.1.1 软件环境1. PC机的系统为Microsoft Window XP Professional版本2002 Service Pack 2;2. Quartus II V7.0软件,并安装了MegaCore IP V7.0;3. NiosII IDE 7.0软件。1.1.2 硬件环境核心板的芯片是EP2C35F672C8N的MagicSOPC实验箱的硬件系统。硬件的工作环境是在普通的环境下。1.2 问题的现象在使用M ...
CodeWarrior Development Tool Suites are comprehensive integrated developmentenvironments (IDE) that provide a highly visual and automated framework toaccelerate the development of the most complex embedded applications. Acrossmost stages of the development cycle, we offer tools to help configure, ...