In order to increase the degree of automat ...
This application note gives an example for microcontroller C code. It includes code for:
Readout of Humidity (RH) or Temperature (T) with basic error handling
Calculation of RH linearization and temperature compensation
Access to status register
Dewpoint calculation from RH and T
UART ...
多功能智能遥控窗帘系统广泛地应用于家居、办公室等场合,同时也是智能家居的一部分。该设计主要利用STC89C52单片机核心电路、光敏电阻电路、步进电机电路、温湿度传感器、红外线控制电路、AD转换电路、LCD1602液晶显示屏等模块完成精确控制窗帘的开和关。multi-functional intelligent remote control curtain system is wi ...