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  • XAPP713 -Virtex-4 RocketIO误码率测试器

      The data plane of the reference design consists of a configurable multi-channel XBERT modulethat generates and checks high-speed serial data transmitted and received by the MGTs. Eachchannel in the XBERT module consists of two MGTs (MGTA and MGTB), which physicallyoccupy one MGT tile in t ...


    标签: RocketIO Virtex XAPP 713

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • ADC简化测量高阻抗传感器

      Delta-sigma ADCs, with their high accuracy and high noiseimmunity, are ideal for directly measuring many typesof sensors. Nevertheless, input sampling currents canoverwhelm high source impedances or low-bandwidth,micropower signal conditioning circuits. The LTC®2484family of delta sig ...


    标签: ADC 测量 传感器 高阻抗

    上传时间: 2015-01-03


  • HDMI一致性测试

      The high defi nition multimedia interface (HDMI) is fastbecoming the de facto standard for passing digitalaudio and video data in home entertainment systems.This standard includes an I2C type bus called a displaydata channel (DDC) that is used to pass extended digitalinterface data (EDID) ...


    标签: HDMI 测试

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 基于MASON公式的多功能二阶通用滤波器设计

    基于通用集成运算放大器,利用MASON公式设计了一个多功能二阶通用滤波器,能同时或分别实现低通、高通和带通滤波,也能设计成一个正交振荡器。电路的极点频率和品质因数能够独立、精确地调节。电路使用4个集成运放、2个电容和11个电阻,所有集成运放的反相端虚地。利用计算机仿真电路的通用滤波功能、极点频率和品质因数的 ...


    标签: MASON 多功能 二阶 滤波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 基于微处理器的5V系统接口

    This application note discusses a variety of approaches for interfacing analog signals to 5V powered systems. Synthesizing a "rail-to-rail" op amp and scaling techniques for A/D converters are covered. A voltage-to-frequency converter, applicable where high resolution is required, is also presente ...


    标签: 微处理器 系统接口

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • Arduino应用_Arduino连接超声波传感器测距

    超声波传感器适用于对大幅的平面进行静止测距。普通的超声波传感器测距范围大概是 2cm~450cm,分辨率3mm(淘宝卖家说的,笔者测试环境没那么好,个人实测比较稳定的 距离10cm~2m 左右,超过此距离就经常有偶然不准确的情况发生了,当然不排除笔者技术 问题。) 测试对象是淘宝上面最便宜的SRF-04 超声波传感器,有四个脚 ...


    标签: Arduino 连接 超声波传感器

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • Arduino学习笔记4_Arduino软件模拟PWM

    注:1.这篇文章断断续续写了很久,画图技术也不精,难免错漏,大家凑合看.有问题可以留言.      2.论坛排版把我的代码缩进全弄没了,大家将代码粘贴到arduino编译器,然后按ctrl+T重新格式化代码格式即可看的舒服. 一、什么是PWM PWM 即Pulse Wavelength Modulation 脉宽调制波,通过调整输出信号占空 ...


    标签: Arduino PWM 软件模拟

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • int trace (int i, int j, int low, IMAGE im,IMAGE mag, IMAGE ori) float gauss(float x, float sigma) f

    int trace (int i, int j, int low, IMAGE im,IMAGE mag, IMAGE ori) float gauss(float x, float sigma) float dGauss (float x, float sigma) float meanGauss (float x, float sigma) void hysteresis (int high, int low, IMAGE im, IMAGE mag, IMAGE oriim) void canny (float s, IMAGE im, IMAGE mag, IMAGE ori)


    标签: IMAGE float int gauss

    上传时间: 2015-01-30


  • This directory contains 3 file system modules: - file system ISO9660 iso9660.c iso9660.h - file syst

    This directory contains 3 file system modules: - file system ISO9660 iso9660.c iso9660.h - file system FAT12/16 fat.c fat.h - file system FAT32 fat32.c fat32.h file.c and file.h contains all high levels functions/macro/definition for your application. fs_variable.c contains all definitions of variab ...


    标签: 9660 file system directory

    上传时间: 2015-03-15


  • 一个简单的应用程序

    一个简单的应用程序,用来说明循环结构与分支结构的嵌套使用 * 程序功能:猜数游戏。定义被猜的数。通过键盘输入进行猜数, * 如猜错则显示“**Wrong**”, “Too high”或“Too low ”; * 猜对则显示“**Right**”后退出


    标签: 应用程序

    上传时间: 2014-01-16
