Details for How to develop an OAL .Step-by-step to develop an OAL. An OEM adaptation layer (OAL) is a layer of code between the Windows CE kernel and the hardware of your target device. You develop an OAL to communicate data between your operating system (OS) and your target device and include code ...
This zip describes a benchmark software provided by IXXAT. It shows how to use the DBGU and timer peripherals on the AT91RM9200. Includes main.html file for help.
Assembly example with RealView MDK
The Assembly example shows how to create a pure assembly program for an ARM device. It is done using the RealView Compilation Tools that are part of the RealView MDK-ARM.
SWI with ARTX Kernel and RealView Compiler
This example program shows how to implement software interrupt functions in an application that uses the ARTX Kernel. The example uses the RealView Compilation Tools.
The file SWI_Table.s implements the SWI function table. The SWI function declarations and ...