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Graham 12


  • Understanding+Optical+Communications

    The use of light to send messages is not new. Fires were used for signaling in biblical times, smoke signals have been used for thousands of years and flashing lights have been used to communicate between warships at sea since the days of Lord Nelson. The idea of using glass fibre to carry an optica ...


    标签: Communications Understanding Optical

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 高速数字设计中文版带书签

    【作 者】(美)霍华德·约翰逊(Howard Johnson),(美)Martin Graham著;沈立等译本教材结合了数字和模拟电路理论,对高速数字电路系统设计中的信号完整性和EMC方面的问题进行了讨论和研究。书中详细讨论了涉及信号完整性方面的传输线、时钟偏移和抖动、端接、过孔等问题。第1章  基础知识 18 1.1 频率与时间 18 ...


    标签: 高速数字设计

    上传时间: 2022-04-16
