opencv OpenCV is cross-platform middle-to-high level API that consists of a few hundreds (>300) C functions. It
does not rely on external numerical libraries, though it can make use of some of them (see below) at
runtime, if they are available
QuickSteps books are recipe books for computer users. They answer the
question 揌ow do I...??by providing a quick set of steps to accomplish the
most common tasks with a particular program. The sets of steps are the
central focus of the book. Sidebar QuickSteps provide information on how to
do quick ...
The SL11RIDE is a low cost, high speed Universal Serial Bus RISC based Controller board. It contains a
16-bit RISC processor with built in SL11RIDE ROM to greatly reduce firmware development efforts. Its
serial flash EEPROM interface offers low cost storage for USB device configuration and customer ...
The purpose of this notebook is to give you a brief introduction to the
DiscreteWavelets Toolbox and show you how to use it to load
images. Some basic image manipulation is illustrated as well. You will
also learn how to use measures and tools such as cumulative energy,
entr ...
*** HyperString v6.0 ***
(c)1996-2000 EFD Systems, All rights reserved
See below for license agreement, disclaimer, installation and use.
Introduction ------------- ...
This project is developed for school management system in vb and sql server 2000. All source code includes database is present.The main functions of this software are fees managment,employees managment,student attendance,result and reports developed in vb.
barcode component
The sourcecode does not rely on any language specific features.
It will probably compile under Delphi 8 and higher.
Kylix ?
barcode component does not use any special Windows API
functions so it should work with Kylix (untested).
UILLAIN-BARRéSYNDROME(GBS)is an uncommon disorder,but one
whose impact is far out of proportion to its incidence.Despite a
usually good prognosis,GBS is a particularly frightening and often life-
altering experience for those diagnosed with the disorder.Many patients
are acutely aware of the rapi ...
A very simple ftp server s source code for demonstration.
* It supports PASV/PORT modes and following operations:
* ls,pwd,cwd,get,put,dele.
* I have tested it using following ftp clients:
* 1. Windows XP s command line ftp client,
* 2. IE 6.0,
* 3. Redhat 9.0 s ftp client,
* 4. CuteFTP 8,
* I ll ...