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Formulas 15


  • The ICA/BSS algorithms are pure mathematical formulas, powerful, but rather mechanical procedures: T

    The ICA/BSS algorithms are pure mathematical formulas, powerful, but rather mechanical procedures: There is not very much left for the user to do after the machinery has been optimally implemented. The successful and efficient use of the ICALAB strongly depends on a priori knowledge, common sense an ...


    标签: mathematical algorithms mechanical procedures

    上传时间: 2015-03-31


  • This is Math Formulas & Tables. Maybe useful.

    This is Math Formulas & Tables. Maybe useful.


    标签: Formulas Tables useful Maybe

    上传时间: 2017-08-04


  • 如何设计升压转换器MAX17597峰值电流模式控制器

    Abstract: This application note describes how to design boost converters using the MAX17597 peakcurrent-mode controller. Boost converters can be operated in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) orcontinuous conduction mode (CCM). This operating mode can affect the component choices, stress levelin ...


    标签: 17597 MAX 如何设计 升压转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 高速数字系统设计下载pdf

    高速数字系统设计下载pdf:High-Speed Digital SystemDesign—A Handbook ofInterconnect Theory and DesignPracticesStephen H. HallGarrett W. HallJames A. McCallA Wiley-Interscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.New York • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • To ...


    标签: 高速数字 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 变压器差动保护整定-电力工程师须知

    差动保护整定范例一: 三圈变压器参数如下表: 变压器容量Se 31500KVA 变压器接线方式 Yn,y,d11 变压器变比Ue 110kV/35kV/10kV 110kV侧TA变比nTA 300/5 35KV侧TA变比nTA 1000/5 10KV侧TA变比nTA 2000/5 TA接线 外部变换方式 一次接线 10kV侧双分支 调压ΔU ±8×1.25% 电流互感器接线系数 ...


    标签: 变压器 差动保护 工程师 整定

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • labview入门教程

    虚拟仪器(virtual instrumention)是基于计算机的仪器。计算机和仪器的密切结合是目前仪器发展的一个重要方向。粗略地说这种结合有两种方式,一种是将计算机装入仪器,其典型的例子就是所谓智能化的仪器。随着计算机功能的日益强大以及其体积的日趋缩小,这类仪器功能也越来越强大,目前已经出现含嵌入式系统的仪器。另一 ...


    标签: labview 入门教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 光纤_dB_衰减和测量介绍

    This document is a quick reference to some of the formulas and important information related to optical technologies. It focuses on decibels (dB), decibels per milliwatt (dBm), attenuation and measurements, and provides an introduction to optical fibers.


    标签: dB 光纤 衰减 测量

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 迭代自适应Simpson

    迭代自适应Simpson,Lobatto积分 In almost every standard book on numerics quadrature algorithms like the adaptive Simpson or the adaptive Lobatto algorithm are presented in a recursive way. The benefit of the recursive programming is the compact and clear representation. However, recursive quadrature ...


    标签: Simpson 迭代

    上传时间: 2014-10-25


  • Generating Fractals with SSE/SSE2 You probably have heard about fractals before. They are beautiful

    Generating Fractals with SSE/SSE2 You probably have heard about fractals before. They are beautiful pictures such as the one shown above. Any fractal can be described using iterative formulas. So you can generate a fractal by evaluating these formulas and finding the color of each pixel. That is a l ...


    标签: Generating SSE beautiful Fractals

    上传时间: 2016-11-03


  • This sample program generates two sine waves called X and Y. It will then calculate the normalized

    This sample program generates two sine waves called X and Y. It will then calculate the normalized magnitude and phase of the two waveforms using the following formulas: Mag = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)/sqrt(GainX^2 + GainY^2) Phase = (long) (atan2PU(X,Y) * 360) The program will prompt the ...


    标签: Y. normalized generates calculate

    上传时间: 2014-01-06
