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Forms 85


  • IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS) Handbook

    Fixed-mobile.convergence.and.voice-data.networks.have.merged.next-gen- eration,.value-added.applications.and.integrated.multimedia.services,.com- bining. Web. browsing,. instant. messaging,. presence,. voice. over. IP,. video. conferencing,. application. sharing,. telephony,. unified. messaging,. mu ...


    标签: Multimedia Subsystem Handbook IMS IP

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Optical+Communications+Essentials

    Ever since ancient times, people continuously have devised new techniques and technologies for communicating their ideas, needs, and desires to others. Thus, many forms of increasingly complex communication systems have appeared over the years. The basic motivations behind each new one were to impro ...


    标签: Communications Essentials Optical

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Cogeneration+and+District+Energy+Systems

    District energy (DE) systems use central heating and/or cooling facilities to provide heating and/or cooling services for communities. The advantages of district energy over conventional heating and cooling include improved efficiency, reliability and safety, reduced environmental impact, and for ma ...


    标签: Cogeneration District Systems Energy and

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Conducted+Electromagnetic+Interference

    Electricity has been chosen as the most convenient and useful form of energy, due to its ease of transportation over large distances and easy conversion to other energy forms. The biggest inconvenience with electricity is that it cannot be stored and must be utilized at the moment of generation. The ...


    标签: Electromagnetic Interference Conducted

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control

    This book describes a unifying framework to networked teleoperation systems cutting across multiple research fields including networked control system for linear and nonlinear forms, bilateral teleoperation, trilateral teleoperation, multilateral teleoperation, cooperative teleoperation, and some te ...


    标签: Teleoperation Intelligent Networked Control

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
