
  • // chebysheve outlier detection // this function is used to detect the abnormal value among a set o

    // chebysheve outlier detection // this function is used to detect the abnormal value among a set of data // input: // delta: a set of data // flag: discribe which data is already known as outlier // p: restrict level // output: // double[] door : byyond which the data may be considered as a outlie ...


    标签: chebysheve detection abnormal function

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • 该工具用Delphi7写的

    该工具用Delphi7写的,可帮助我们生成一些插入语句。 例如: 现要向一台机(P2)的数据库(以HR为例)插入另一台机(P1)的HR_New_Info记录,可如下操作: 1.输入P1的IP,用户名,密码。数据库输入“HR” 2.在查询语句输入 select Title,Content,TypeName,Flag,DateAndTime from HR_New_Info 3.在插入语句输入 insert into ...


    标签: Delphi7

    上传时间: 2017-01-22


  • 哲学家吃饭问题 当五个人都拿到左手边筷子

    哲学家吃饭问题 当五个人都拿到左手边筷子,都等待拿右手边筷子,则因为谁都不能放下手中的筷子,这样就进入无止境的等待,构成死锁 * 解决方法1:奇数号先拿左边的筷子,偶数号先拿右边的筷子,即相邻两个人先拿其中间夹的筷子,使这个筷子成为临界资源; * 解决方法2:两边的筷子都空闲时,再拿筷子,if(chopstick.flag ...



    上传时间: 2017-05-27


  • un the configuration script ---------------------------- In the CGIs directory there is a config

    un the configuration script ---------------------------- In the CGIs directory there is a configure.s and a configure.bat file. Run this file after you ve moved the CGIs directory to it s desired location. The configure script will create a file nammed apache.conf. Append this file the the ...


    标签: configuration the directory config

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • Main program running when workpiece is ready on deferent belt(deferent_ready=ture). * Call Squ

    Main program running when workpiece is ready on deferent belt(deferent_ready=ture). * Call Square_Wave subroutine to generate 0.5ms square wave on P1.2 to drive * electromotor,then drive deferent belt step forward. When it steps to the measure * zone, it stops to be me ...


    标签: deferent_ready workpiece deferent program

    上传时间: 2017-08-31


  • 两个链表的交集

    两个链表的交集 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct Node{ &nbsp; int data; &nbsp; struct &nbsp;Node *next; }Node; void initpointer(struct Node *p){ &nbsp; p=NULL; } int &nbsp;printlist(struct Node* head){ &nbsp; int flag=1; &nbsp; head=head->next; &nbsp; /* &nbsp; 因为标记1的地 ...


    标签: c语言编程

    上传时间: 2015-04-27


  • net_tcp.h

    /* ********************************************************************************************************* * &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; uC/TCP-IP V2 * &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ...


    标签: tcp uCOS-II

    上传时间: 2015-11-22

    上传用户:the same kong

  • AVR单片机转速表

    /****************************************************************&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 外部晶振8M&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; PA0~3:四位数码管的位选&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; PB0~7:数码管 ...


    标签: C语言

    上传时间: 2016-03-09

    上传用户:彦 yan

  • 利用栈的基本操作实现将任意一个十进制整数N转化为R进制整数。

    #include <stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define stack_init_size 100 #define stackincrement 10 typedef struct sqstack { int *base; int *top; int stacksize; } sqstack; int StackInit(sqstack *s) { s->base=(int *)malloc(stack_init_size *sizeof(int)); if(!s->base) return 0; s->top=s->ba ...


    标签: 整数 基本操作 十进制 转化 进制

    上传时间: 2016-12-08


  • 学生成绩管理啊

    #include "string.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "stdio.h" search(char pd[]) {FILE *fp; &nbsp;int time=0,i=0,j=0,add[80],k=0,m; &nbsp;char *ch, &nbsp;str[900]; &nbsp;m=strlen(pd); &nbsp;if((fp=fopen("haha.txt","r"))==NULL) &nbsp;{ &nbsp; printf("Cannot open this file\n"); &nbsp; exit(0); &nbsp;} for( ...


    标签: 学生专用

    上传时间: 2016-12-29
