1) It s very small.The basic framework is just about 100 lines of assembly code.It supports 2000,XP,2003
2) It patches the kernel at runtime(no files are patched on disk).(basic version has this code removed , so as others could understand it easily).
3) BOOT KIT ...
maven 2.0
The following instructions show how to install Maven 2:
1) Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries, eg:
tar zxvf maven-2.0.tar.gz
unzip maven-2.0.zip
2) A directory called "maven-2.0" will be created.
3) Add the bin directory to your PATH, eg:
export PATH=/u ...
Metalog is a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd. The logged messages
can be dispatched according to their facility, urgency, program name and/or
Perl-compatible regular expressions. Log files can be automatically rotated
when they exceed a certain size or age. External shell scripts (e.g., mai ...
The book "The Finite Difference Time Domain for Electromagnetics" by Karl Kunz and Raymond Luebbers, CRC Press, 1993, contains an FDTD code and output files in Appendix B. The same code and output files are contained in this directory.
DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free
software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this
file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to
produce an executable, t ...
Address book helps you look up your addresses from the system tray.
It is quite useful in that way 慶ause it stays out of the way and is
easily accessible when needed. Double clicking on any URL will start
the default web browser and take you to that URL. Double clicking on
the phone number will ...
MyIE开源工程遵循GNU通用公共许可证GPL(GNU General Public License)开发,任何人都可以永久免费安装使用,在你下载和使用MyIE源代码前,请阅读并同意这个许可(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html),中文版本(http://www.morequick.com/down/gpl_chs.htm).
如果你使用的是VC++6,你需要更 ...
video editing for is streamlined for fast linear operations over video. It has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters. VirtualDub is mainly geared toward processing AVI files, although it can read (not write) MPEG-1 and ...