The problem of image registration subsumes a number of problems and techniques in multiframe
image analysis, including the computation of optic flow (general pixel-based motion), stereo
correspondence, structure from motion, and feature tracking. We present a new registration
algorithm based on spli ...
The fluid editor is a prototype source code editor supporting a "bring from" exploration model.With the fluid editor programmers can avoid explicit navigation between source documents by incorporating related code into the document under examination
We obtained the energy transport velocity distribution for a three dimensional ideal cloak
explicitly. Near the operation frequency, the energy transport velocity has rather peculiar
distribution. The velocity along a line joining the origin of the cloak is a constant, while
the velocity approaches ...
solvin Parbolic forms of PDE explicitly.
The error is O( h2+k2) or O(2,2) , it doesn鈥檛 develop the explicit local truncation error because it is unconditionally unstable and should not be used in any calculation.
Learn how to:
Tokenize a null-terminated string
Create a search and replace function for strings
Implement subtraction for string objects
* Use the vector, deque, and list sequence containers
Use the container adaptors stack, queue, and priority_q ...
The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D
The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems. It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidistant staggered grid, central and upwind (donor-cell) d ...
In 揚erformance of multi-carrier DS CDMA Systems?we apply a multi-carrier signaling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver provides a correlator for each carrier, and ...
Wireless penetration has witnessed explosive growth over the last two decades.
Accordingly, wireless devices have become much denser per unit area, resulting
in an overcrowded usage of wireless resources. To avoid radio interferences and
packet collisions, wireless stations have to exchange control ...