There have been many developments in the field of power electronics since
the publication of the second edition, almost five years ago. Devices have
become bigger and better - bigger silicon die, and current and voltage
ratings. However, semicond ...
With global drivers such as better energy
consumption, energy efficiency and reduction of
greenhouse gases, CO 2 emission reduction has become
key in every layer of the value chain. Power Electronics
has definitely a role to play in these thrilling challeng ...
I am presenting this novel book on advances and trends in power electronics and motor
drives to the professional community with the expectation that it will be given the same
wide and enthusiastic acceptance by practicing engineers, R&D professionals, univer-
sity professors, and even graduate stude ...
《The Art of Electronics》国外经典电子学教程第三版。豆瓣简介:《电子学(第2版)》是哈佛大学的经典教材,自出版以来已被译成多种语言版本。《电子学(第2版)》通过强调电子电路系统设计者所需的实用方法,即对电路的基本原理、经验准则以及大量实用电路设计技巧的全面总结,侧重探讨了电子学及其电路的设计原理与应用。它 ...
·基本信息Practical Antenna Handbook, 4th EditionbyJoseph J.Carr作者 Jeseph J. Carr 美国国防部航空电子(avionics)资深工程师one of the worlds leading and prolific writer and working scientist on electronics and radio, and an
·Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications,2007版新书With advances in image sensors, digital TV, image-enabled consumer electronics, and much more, color image processing is of paramount interest i