In the rectangle packing problem, encoding
schemes to represent the placements of rectangles
are the key factors of efficient algorithms. In
1995, an epoch-making encoding scheme
Universal.Data.Access.Components 2.50
Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to most popular database servers from Delphi, Delphi for .NET and, C++Builder. UniDAC can work with such servers as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Interbase, ...
*** HyperString v6.0 ***
(c)1996-2000 EFD Systems, All rights reserved
See below for license agreement, disclaimer, installation and use.
Introduction ------------- ...
Some of the contents of this paper are adapted from the author’s book Real-Time UML:
Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded Systems published by Addison-Wesley, 1998.
hcon是工作在Linux控制台下的高效双字节中/日/韩(CJK)虚拟终端,就像DOS环境中的UCDOS一样,为控制台(console)环境提供完整的双字节语言环境。-zhcon work in the Linux console is under the efficient double-byte Chinese / Japanese / Korean (CJK) virtual terminal, just like DOS environment UCDOS same for consol ...
Faster, better, and cheaper is the name of the game for machine designers. Demands for higherperformance
and increasingly efficient machines designed in a shorter amount of time with smaller design
teams are challenging machine designers to improve their machine design processes.
The Fortran 90 Handbook is a definitive and comprehensive guide to Fortran 90
and its use. Fortran 90, the latest standard version of Fortran, has many
excellent new features that will assist the programmer in writing efficient,
portable, and maintainable programs. The Fortran 90 Handbook is an info ...
In the next generation of wireless communication systems, there will be a need for the rapid
deployment of independent mobile users. Significant examples include establishing survivable, efficient,
dynamic communication for emergency operations, disaster relief efforts, and military networks. Such
n ...
In the next generation of wireless communication systems, there will be a need for the rapid
deployment of independent mobile users. Significant examples include establishing survivable, efficient,
dynamic communication for emergency operations, disaster relief efforts, and military networks. Such
n ...
Collection of key-value pairs.
TDictionary represents a generic collection of key-value pairs.
This class provides a mapping from a collection of keys to a collection of values. When you create a TDictionary object, you can specify various combinations of initial capacity, equality ope ...