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Editing 34


  • AVR single-chip developed by a very low threshold, as long as the computer will be able to study the

    AVR single-chip developed by a very low threshold, as long as the computer will be able to study the development of AVR microcontroller. Only a single-chip ISP download beginners line, the editing, debugging of software programs through a direct line into the AVR microcontroller, which can develop A ...


    标签: single-chip developed threshold the

    上传时间: 2017-09-12


  • AVR single-chip developed by a very low threshold, as long as the computer will be able to study the

    AVR single-chip developed by a very low threshold, as long as the computer will be able to study the development of AVR microcontroller. Only a single-chip ISP download beginners line, the editing, debugging of software programs through a direct line into the AVR microcontroller, which can develop A ...


    标签: single-chip developed threshold the

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • 雅马哈机器人操控软件VIPplus

    VIP+ is support software for YAMAHA RCX series robot controllers. In addition to the functions of the previously released "VIP Windows" software, VIP+ includes an easy-to-use GUI (graphical user interface). VIP+ also allows control by 2 or more controllers or access to a controller from 2 or more cl ...


    标签: 雅马哈 VIPplus

    上传时间: 2015-11-18


  • 透明音乐播放器

    [开源 绿色软件] [运行环境 Windows XP/7/8/10] [语言 简体/繁體/English/Unicode] A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis. 极简本地音乐播放器,透明、纯文本界面。支持轻媒体库、歌词、可视化。最小化到托盘,占用资源少,适合边听音乐边工作。 应网友要求,加入了Tag编辑、自动切换列表、播放队列、鼠标手 ...


    标签: 透明 音乐播放器

    上传时间: 2016-06-10
