There are _NO_ standard sample rate for the samples used in modules.
But most often the samples are done on the rate called C-3 (which is
about 16574 Hz if you have a PAL machine). Sometimes drums are sampled
at A-3 (around 28 kHz), and some sounds are at ~8 kHz or anything else
to save space.
tms320lf2407a work with at45db161 "trace".
buffer 8000 word copy from sram to at45.
first page content: num save, to cyclewrite.
read trace to sram, save trace to at45, read status,
and something else
DragonRaja Client source version 1.4+
this source allow players join in (Hades Warfield or Monsters warfield).
When you compile in debug mode, it is GMtool.
else compile in release mode, it is Normal player.
how to add arrays
* Use of const (constant) values.
* Creation of vectors.
* Passing vectors as function arguments.
* Reading from files of unknown size (monitoring istream status).
* Repetitive structures (while and for loops).
* The increment operators (++).
* Selection ...
Java has become a confusing world. Five years ago, there were few decisions to make once
you started programming in Java—you used AWT for graphical user interfaces, sockets for
network programming, and hacked together everything else you needed. Since then, though,
the APIs available for the Jav ...