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Detail 117


  • The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at

    The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at the same time there are many open issues related to the general security of FPGAs. This contribution attempts to provide a state-of-the-art description of this topic. First, the advantages of reconfi ...


    标签: cryptographic applications attractive for

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • Features a unique program to estimate the power spectral density. The spectrum containing all signif

    Features a unique program to estimate the power spectral density. The spectrum containing all significant details is calculated from a time series model. Model type as well as model order are determined automatically from the data, using statistical criteria. Robust estimation algorithms and order s ...


    标签: containing Features estimate spectral

    上传时间: 2014-02-09


  • Delphi7编程100例

    ToolBar工具栏控件的使用 动态建立主菜单选项 窗口界面的动态分隔条 动态设置选项卡页面 在标题栏中自定义按钮 窗体开合窗帘效果 Windows XP界面效果 实现OutLook滚动工具 ...


    标签: Delphi7编程100例

    上传时间: 2017-06-21


  • FM1188 datasheet

    this is detail datasheet of fm1188


    标签: datasheet fm1188

    上传时间: 2018-03-17


  • Digital+Cities+White+Paper

    The status quo of digital cities is analysed in detail, using six different perspectives: 1. Social interaction 2. Safety 3. Data management and analytics 4. Mobility 5. Consumer Lifestyle 6. Crowd-based services


    标签: Digital Cities White Paper

    上传时间: 2020-05-23


  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining

    W abooklikethistogether,manypeoplewhoneverhope to see their namesinprint get involved and provide alot of help. I wouldliketogivecreditwherecreditisdueandacknowledgethose people here. Firstandforemost,atleasthalfofthecreditforthisbookneedstogotomy wife,BrigitteKilger-Mattison. Brig ...


    标签: Data Warehousing Mining and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • From GSM to LTE-Advanced Pro and 5G

    Wireless technologies like GSM, UMTS, LTE, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth have revolutionized the way we communicate by making services like telephony and Internet access available anytime and from almost anywhere. Today, a great variety of technical publications offer background information about these ...


    标签: LTE-Advanced From GSM Pro and 5G to

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • GSM+to+LTE-Advanced

    Wireless technologies like GSM, UMTS, LTE, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth have revolu- tionized the way we communicate and exchange data by making services like telephony and Internet access available anytime and from almost anywhere. Today, a great variety of techni- cal publications offer background i ...


    标签: GSM LTE-Advanced

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Handbook of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Throughout the course of my work in multihop mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) over the last several years, I reached the conclusion that mobility models and perfor- mance metrics need to be treated in detail in designing these networks that are the ultimatefrontierinwirelesscommunications. Awidevariet ...


    标签: Handbook Networks Mobility Mobile Models Hoc for Ad of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Indoor Radio Planning

    This book is intended for RF planners, to serve as a practical tool in their daily work designing indoor radio distribution systems. Based on feedback from readers of the first edition it was clear to me that I needed to add more material and in depth description of the basics of indoor systems base ...


    标签: Planning Indoor Radio

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
