This application report describes the use of Timer_A3 to decode RC5 and SIRC TV IR remote control signals. The decoder described in this report is interrupt-driven and operates a background function using specific features the Timer_A3. Only a small portion of the MSP430 CPU?s nonreal-time resources ...
this a pack include source code for quartus 2.
It is an implementation of the LC2. The LC-2 computer is described in Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits & Gates to C & Beyond by Yale Patt and Sanjay Patel, McGraw Hill, 2001. The LC2 model can be run as a simulation or downloaded to the UP3 ...
The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as similar as possible to the familiar vorbisfile library i ...
The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as similar as possible to the familiar vorbisfile library i ...
This code implements in C++ a basic left-right hidden Markov model
and corresponding Baum-Welch (ML) training algorithm. It is meant as
an example of the HMM algorithms described by L.Rabiner (1) and
others. Serious students are directed to the so ...
The FiST (File System Translator) system combines two methods to solve the above problems in a novel way: a set of stackable file system templates for each operating system, and a high-level language that can ...
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) has been an interesting problem for a long
time in classical optimization techniques which are based on linear and nonlinear
programming. TSP can be described as follows: Given a number of cities to visit
and their distances from all other cities know, an optimal tra ...
μC/OS-II Goals
Probably the most important goal of μC/OS-II was to make it backward compatible with μC/OS (at least from an
application’s standpoint). A μC/OS port might need to be modified to work with μC/OS-II but at least, the application
code should require only minor changes (if any). Als ...
Design patterns began to be recognized more formally in the early
1990s by Helm (1990) and Erich Gamma (1992), who described patterns
incorporated in the GUI application framework, ET++. The culmination of
these discussions and a number of technical meetings was the pu ...
This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numerical results to solve these problems. The first three editions ...