MySQL 5.1参考手册
这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册,请访问。 原始参考手册为英文版。
This translation was done by MySQL partner GreatLinux, Beijing, People s Republic of China. GreatLinux Inc. 北京万里开源软件有限公司在全国范围提供MySQL产品相关的商务及 技术方面的咨询与支 ...
The PCI Utilities package contains a library for portable access to PCI bus
configuration registers and several utilities based on this library.
In runs on the following systems:
Linux (via /sys/bus/pci, /proc/bus/pci or i386 ports)
FreeBSD (via /dev/pci)
NetBSD (via libpci)
OpenBSD (via / ...