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Cross 119


  • lib-svm工具箱

    LIBSVM是林智仁等开发设计的一个简单、易于使用和快速有效的SVM模式识别与回归的软件包,不但提供了编译好的可在Windows系列系统的执行文件,还提供了源代码,方便改进、修改以及在其它操作系统上应用,该软件还有一个特点,就是对SVM所涉及的参数调节相对比较少(因为提供了很多的默认参数),利用这些默认参数就可以解决很多 ...


    标签: libsvm工具包

    上传时间: 2015-06-09


  • Core+and+Metro+Networks

    It is commonly accepted today that optical fiber communications have revolutionized telecommunications. Indeed, dramatic changes have been induced in the way we interact with our relatives, friends, and colleagues: we retrieve information, we entertain and educate ourselves, we buy and sell, we orga ...


    标签: Networks Metro Core and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Probability and Random Processes

    Many good textbooks exist on probability and random processes written at the under- graduate level to the research level. However, there is no one handy and ready book that explains most of the essential topics, such as random variables and most of their frequently used discrete and continuous proba ...


    标签: Probability Processes Random and

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • ESD Design for Analog Circuits

    Dear Reader, this book project brings to you a unique study tool for ESD protection solutions used in analog-integrated circuit (IC) design. Quick-start learning is combined with in-depth understanding for the whole spectrum of cross- disciplinary knowledge required to excel in the ESD field. The ch ...


    标签: Circuits Design Analog ESD for

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Fundamentals+of+EM+Design+of+Radar

    In the present era, low observability is one of the critical requirements in aerospace sector, especially related to defense. The stealth technology essentially relates to shaping and usage of radar absorbing materials (RAM) or radar absorbing struc- tures (RAS). The performance of such radar cross ...


    标签: Fundamentals Design Radar of EM

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • 50W隔离型离线式DC.pdf

    ABSTRACTThe flyback power stage is a popular choice for single and multiple output dc-to-dc converters at powerlevels of 150 Watts or less. Without the output inductor required in buck derived topologies, such as theforward or push-pull converter, the component count and cost are reduced. This appli ...


    标签: 隔离

    上传时间: 2021-11-24


  • MAX30102芯片心率血氧传感器模块传感器模块软硬件设计资料包括STM32测试源码AD设计原理图及

    MAX30102芯片心率血氧传感器模块传感器模块软硬件设计资料包括STM32测试源码AD设计原理图及心率及血氧参考设计资料:参考代码及实验数据工程文件及库心率及血氧参考设计资料芯片数据手册1771.pdf2ES Teck PEMS White Paper.pdf31930_accessories.pdf5273c08fe2b6b_1_4264142A_EN_p.pdfAvant 2120 Brochure.pdfcelyon-1057-da ...


    标签: max30102 芯片 心率血氧传感器 stm32

    上传时间: 2021-11-24


  • 基于TMS320F28335的超声波流量计硬件原理图+软件源码

    基于TMS320F28335的超声波流量计硬件原理图+软件源码本文以TMS320F28335 处理器为核心,设计一种用于管道流量测量的超声波流量计。系统硬件由核心板,超声波发射和接收电路,切换电路,超声换能器,基于ADS805 的高速信号采集电路,人机交互以及电源等模块构成。采用时差法进行管道流量测量,时差测量采用SCOT 加权的广义互 ...


    标签: tms320f28335 超声波流量计

    上传时间: 2022-05-06


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(146)



    标签: 相位式 激光测距仪

    上传时间: 2013-05-28
