SharpPrivacy - OpenPGP for C#:
SharpPrivacy is an OpenPGP implementation in C#. It can be used to encrypt and sign data, created OpenPGP compatible keys, and a lot more. This article explains how to use the library in your own .NET application or webpage to encrypt, sign, decrypt or verify OpenPGP ...
CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-derived window (CDiagramEditor), a data container (CDiagramEntityContainer) holding the draw-objects, undo stack and managing copy and paste, and objects derived from CDiagramEntity representing object ...
This a small hack I wrote to bypass the "No previous installation!" error of Microchip s C18 Upgrade.
Simply run C18Fake and select your C18 installation directory (create if necessary) and click Save button. A "fake" file will now be created into that directory, and this will fool the Upgrade into ...
This the fourth edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. This article will introduce the idea of device stacks and how devices interact with each other. We will use the previously created example device driver to demonstrate this topic. To do this we will introduce the idea of a “filter” dr ...
Somebody over on the Generation5 forum asked for a "Hello World!" program for genetic algorithms. I took it literally and created a very simple program (138 lines of code) that evolves the phrase "Hello world!"
There are numerous MATLAB m-files included in this software package. Thus, the the authors have bundled all files and sample data in a *.zip file ( The Readme.txt file describes the directories created when the .zip file is unpacked. The file Matlab_implementation.doc (or Matlab_implemen ...
File name: main.c
** Last modified Date: 2006-09-26
** Last Version: 1.0
** Descriptions: The main() function example template
** Created by:
** Created date: 2006-09-16
** Version: ...