A Windows FTP client written without CInternetSession or CFtpConnection classes. Demonstrates manual manipulation of Winsock sockets, FTP principles, and GUI concepts such as List controls with in-place label-editing and column sorting, progress indicators, and reading and writing to the Registry
This the second tutorial of the Writing Device Drivers series. There seems to be a lot of interest in the topic, so this article will pick up where the first left off. The main focus of these articles will be to build up little by little the knowledge needed to write device drivers. In this article, ...
Motoko it s a 2D library to handle the graphical user interface of the game. It supports the basic controls of the windows GUI look like: PictureBox, TextBox, ListBox, LabelBox, ControlListBox, ComboBox, Button, CheckButton, Dialog, Panel, HScrollBar and VScrollBar. It uses the library CRM32Pro, so ...
This demonstration shows how a ZigBee coordinator can be set up. This demo allows
the Demonstration Board (PICDEM Z or Explorer 16) to act as either a "Switching Load
Controller" (e.g. a light) or a "Switching Remote Control" (e.g. a switch) as defined by
the Home Controls, Lighting profile. It ...
I built the Superlist control whilst developing an RSS reader called FeedGhost. Although there are plenty of commercial grouped list controls available I wanted to have total control over the code and of course its usability. Superlist supports drag drop column customisation, grouping as well as han ...
These listed libraries are written in WTL. But it s really hard to mix both MFC & WTL together. Obviously, it s not reasonable to ask a developer or a team to giving up MFC and move to the WTL world just because there were some great controls or visual Frameworks written in WTL (there are many thing ...
Legend of shenda`s server and Client`s soure ,it is on 6.5 in2007,you can take who like sdo .And some controls in it