I2C Slave module
The module contains N accessable Registers
when in read Process, all Registers are read at a time
when in write Process, only the addressed register are Writeable.
s file contains the Joone Distributed training Environment (DTE).
See http://www.jooneworld.com/docs/dte.html to learn more about it.
To learn more about Joone - Java Object Oriented Neural Engine: http://www.joone.org
Joone and the DTE are both released with the LGPL license
@2004 Paolo Marrone a ...
This file contains a selection of VHDL source files which serve to illustrate the diversity and power of the language when used to describe various types of hardware. The examp
terms of basic logic gates, to more complex systems, such as a behavioural model of a microprocessor and associated memory. ...
This file contains a C++Builder 4 project called SimplyChaos-X ver 3.1 (SCX31).
SCX31 is an encryption tool. I designed it as my graduation paper work. SCX31 is a symmetric stream cipher built on chaos function, one time pad cipher and inspiration from Ground Effect (aviation). The key length can b ...
Freediag contains various drivers (ISO9141, ISO14230, SAEJ1850-VPW, SAEJ1850-PWM) for different adapters that connect the PC serial port to a vehicle. It reads vehicle diagnostic info from vehicle electronic control unit (ecu). The source code is compiled and run in linux environment.
The document describes an AP library adapted for C++. The AP library for C++ contains a basic set of mathematical functions and collection classes needed to run the programs from the ALGLIB website.