OReilly.Java.Rmithis book provides strategies for working with serialization,
threading, the RMI registry, sockets and socket factories, activation,
dynamic class downloading, HTTP tunneling, distributed garbage
collection, JNDI, and CORBA. In short, a treasure trove of valuable
RMI knowledge pa ...
在为 Linux 开发应用程序时,绝大多数情况下使用的都是 C 语言,因此几乎每一位 Linux程序员面临的首要问题都是如何灵活运用 C 编译器。目前 Linux 下最常用的C 语言编译器是 GCC(GNU Compiler Collection),它是 GNU项目中符合 ANSI C 标准的编译系统,能够编译用C、C++和Object C 等语言编写的程序。GCC 不仅功能非常强 ...
Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.
Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode for a register-based virtual machine, an ...
在网络安全中经常会遇到rootkit,NSA安全和入侵检测术语字典( NSA Glossary of Terms Used in Security and Intrusion Detection)对rootkit的定义如下:A hacker security tool that captures passwords and message traffic to and from a computer. A collection of tools that allows a hacker to provide a backdoor in ...
Java Media APIs: Cross-Platform Imaging, Media, and Visualization presents integrated Java media solutions that demonstrate the best practices for using this diverse collection. According to Sun MicroSystems, "This set of APIs supports the integration of audio and video clips, animated presentations ...
The GIFT (the GNU Image-Finding Tool) is a Content Based Image Retrieval System (CBIRS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBIR). It enables you to do Query By Example (QBE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QBE) on images, giving you the opportunity to improve query results by relevance feedback. For processi ...
This book gives a concise description of the Java 2 programming language. They give a quick reference for the reader who has already learned (or is learning) Java from a standard textbook
and who wants to know the language in more detail. These book presents the entire Java programming language an ...