CAM-TOOL 是高效率高质量的模具制造的最好CAM解决方案。在当今的 Windows 操作环境里, CAM-TOOL 带来了20年来最前沿又行之有效的模具加工知识和方法。通过 CAM-TOOL 软件和微软 Windows 操作系统的有效结合, Graphic Proucts Inc. 为新老客户提供了一个有效、容易操作的界面。我们综合了机械加工的经验,使高效率高精度加 ...
This is a simple image sender to a FTP site. it can be usefull if you want to send a Web-CAM frame to a FTP site, and you can refresh this image in some intervals. give a try.