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  • Power+Electronic+Modules+Design+Manufacture

    A power semiconductor module is basically a power circuit of different materials assembled together using hybrid technology, such as semiconduc- tor chip attachment, wire bonding, encapsulation, etc. The materials involved cover a wide range from insulators, conductors, and semiconduc- tors to organ ...


    标签: Manufacture Electronic Modules Design Power

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Artificial+Intelligence+in+Power+System

    n recent years, there have been many books published on power system optimization. Most of these books do not cover applications of artifi cial intelligence based methods. Moreover, with the recent increase of artifi cial intelligence applications in various fi elds, it is becoming a new trend in so ...


    标签: Intelligence Artificial System Power in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • spi协议英文详解

    In this presentation, we will look at what the Serial Peripheral Interface, otherwise known as the SPI, is. and how it is used to communicate data to and from the PICmicro microcontroller.SPl is frequently used when few 1/O lines are available, but communication between two or more devices must be f ...


    标签: spi协议

    上传时间: 2022-06-20


  • 单片机实现ADPCM编码和解码

    INTRODUCTION In the past, adding speech recording and playback capability to a product meant using a digital signal processor or a specialized audio chip. Now, using a simplified Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation(ADPCM) algorithm, these audio capabilities can be added to any PICmicro devic ...


    标签: 单片机 adpcm 编码 解码

    上传时间: 2022-06-20


  • 激光测距芯片基于STM32的开发工具介绍与演示

    • VL53L1X OverView• VL53L1X Software Package• Default and FAST mode• Ultra light driver.• VL53L1X GUI• VL53L1X Multi sensor design• STM32 FW: Import, Compile, Run, Debug…• What is Xtalk?• Cover Window and ID design• How about Human and object reflectance at 940 nm ?


    标签: 激光测距芯片 stm32

    上传时间: 2022-07-17
