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  • 纯电动汽车电池管理系统的研究.rar

    随着社会的发展以及能源、环保等问题的日益突出,纯电动汽车以其零排放,噪声低等优点越来越受到世界各国的重视,被称作绿色环保车。作为发展电动车的关键技术之一的电池管理系统(BMS),是电动车产业化的关键。本课题配合“基于开关磁阻电机的电动汽车的研制”,研制适用于纯电动汽车的电池管理系统。 电池管理系统直接检测 ...


    标签: 纯电动汽车 电池管理系统

    上传时间: 2013-06-11


  • 基于FPGA的星图采集及预处理算法实现

    本文的目的就是研究如何应用FPGA这种大规模的可编程逻辑器件实现CCD(Charge Coupled Device,电荷耦合器件)数字图像的实时采集及预处理。基于对实时图像处理系统的研究与设计,本文主要研究工作及成果如下: 1.本论文详细的介绍了图像采集卡的结构和基本工作原理。同时,针对高分辨率的CCD摄像机,探讨了有关点目标与CCD ...


    标签: FPGA 采集 预处理算法

    上传时间: 2013-07-03


  • COOLMOS全面认识

    Recently a new technology for high voltage Power MOSFETshas been introduced – the CoolMOS™ . Based on thenew device concept of charge compensation the RDS(on) areaproduct for e.g. 600V transistors has been reduced by afactor of 5. The devices show no bipolar current contributionlike th ...


    标签: COOLMOS

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 二极管导通开关稳压器引发的故障时间

      Most circuit designers are familiar with diode dynamiccharacteristics such as charge storage, voltage dependentcapacitance and reverse recovery time. Less commonlyacknowledged and manufacturer specifi ed is diode forwardturn-on time. This parameter describes the timerequired for a diode t ...


    标签: 二极管 导通 开关稳压器

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • ASC8512-CN两节锂电充电芯片

    两节锂电充电IC-ASC8512 ASC8512 为开关型两节锂聚合物电池充电管理芯片,非常适合于便携式设备的充电管理应用。ASC8512 集内置功率MOSFET、高精度电压和电流调节器、预充、充电状态指示和充电截止等功能于一体,采用TSSOP-14、SSOP-14两种封装形式。ASC8512对电池充电分为三个阶段:预充(Pre-charge)、恒流(CC/Constan ...


    标签: 8512 ASC CN 充电

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 使用H桥变压器驱动器,充电超级电容器

    Abstract: With its small size and large load (10W) capability, the MAX13256 H-bridge transformer driver is an attractive solution forcharging supercapacitors (supercaps). However, a large capacitance on the output of the circuit can force the driver into fault modeat startup, due to the high initi ...


    标签: H桥变压器 驱动器 充电 超级电容器

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 电感开关稳压器提高输入电压

    Abstract: Uses the MAX641 switching controller and an external discrete charge pump to step up the input voltage. This circuitcan service low loads and is efficient when the output is two, three, four times the input voltage. Adding the MAX627 MOSdriver can further increase the output current capa ...


    标签: 电感 开关稳压器 输入电压

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 手持式高功率电池充电器

      As the performance of many handheld devices approachesthat of laptop computers, design complexity also increases.Chief among them is thermal management—how doyou meet increasing performance demands while keepinga compact and small product cool in the user’s hand?For instance, ...


    标签: 手持式 高功率 电池充电器

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • DN464 高效率USB电源管理系统

      Automotive power systems are unforgiving electronicenvironments. Transients to 90V can occur when thenominal voltage range is 10V to 15V (ISO7637), along withbattery reversal in some cases. It’s fairly straightforwardto build automotive electronics around this system, butincreasingl ...


    标签: 464 USB DN 高效率

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • LTC1325电池管理IC的使用

      For a variety of reasons, it is desirable to charge batteriesas rapidly as possible. At the same time, overchargingmust be limited to prolong battery life. Such limitation ofovercharging depends on factors such as the choice ofcharge termination technique and the use of multi-rate/multi-s ...


    标签: 1325 LTC IC的 电池管理

    上传时间: 2013-10-19
