Handheld electronic devices play a key role in our everydaylives. Because dependability is paramount, handhelds arecarefully engineered with lightweight power sources forreliable use under normal conditions. But no amount ofcareful engineering can prevent the mistreatment theywill undergo ...
The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to generate reports as PDF, XLS, HTML, and CSV files. The ability to generate bar, pie and xy charts for inclusion in reports. The ability to schedule and email PDF, XLS, and CSV reports. The ability to ...
abel Tool Sample
Requires: Visual Basic 6 and MapObjects 2.x
Data: redlands.shp (Redlands sample data set from MO 2.x)
Interactive Labeling Tool
If the check box is checked, then the mouse down location will search for the closest line, and label it with the street name. If the check box is not ch ...
- MP3 streaming support for Shoutcast/Icecast added.
- Ogg Vorbis support added.
- Playlist implementation and M3U support added.
- JavaLayer 0.1.1 included to improve MP3 support.
- WinAmp Skins 2.0 support improved.
- Seek bar added (for WAV files only).
Windows API Tutorials, Windows API编程最好的手册.文档格式专门制作成为各个章节相互关联的html格式,大家可以像查阅msdn一样方便使用.各个章节的内容如下:
Dialog-based App
Generic Dialog
Pens and Brushes
Folder Watcher
Shell API
Smart OLE
OLE Automation ...