This book is an in-depth exploration into eVB s inherent features, and how to use them to solve likely mobile application programming tasks. After reading the book the reader will be able to write applications tackling a wide array of business problems for Windows CE-powered devices, both customized ...
I use C to implement thread operating,include initiallize,fork,yield,exit,kill. You should have driver to use this library. I choose array for ready queue,and strcut for Thread Control Block.
Using Gaussian elimination to solve linear equations.
// In this version, we allow matrix of any size. This is done by treating
// the name of a 2-dimensional array as pointer to the beginning of the
// array. This makes use of the fact that arrays in C are stored in
// row-major order.
The LZW compression class i mplemented as a fixed length code which you can specify, the huffman algorithm implementation encodes a byte into a variable length bit array. Both of them can work with streams
I made a lot of changed on this object,such as *
// 1.Encapsulates all code in one userobjet,since PB does not *
// support "Address of Function" , so we can not set new *
// WndProc, just makes the object more easy to use. *
// 2.Uses structure array instead of Datastore *
// 3. ...
linux下用C语言写的聊天程序!/*BUG and NOTE:
Not join protect to Shared Memory Segments,example Semaphore Arrays.
Not check the parameters validity.
When transmit may be error.
If the client program no right exit,others cannot know,the service program shouldbe check the client program whether exist t ...