Description: C4.5Rule-PANE is a rule learning method which could generate accurate and comprehensible symbolic rules, through regarding a neural network ensemble as a pre-process of a rule inducer.
Reference: Z.-H. Zhou and Y. Jiang. Medical diagnosis with C4.5 rule preceded by artificial neural net ...
The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject
to change without notice and The ATM Forum is not responsible for any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume
any responsibility to update or correct any information in this publicati ...
This book is the most accurate and up-to-date source of information the STL currently available. ... It has an approach and appeal of its own: it explains techniques for building data structures and algorithms on top of the STL, and in this way appreciates the STL for what it is - a framework. Angel ...
The need for accurate monitoring and analysis of sequential data arises in many scientic, industrial
and nancial problems. Although the Kalman lter is effective in the linear-Gaussian
case, new methods of dealing with sequential data are required with non-standard models.
Recently, there has been re ...
Qpsk signal Processing Code
The DSP code should be efficient and accurate to properly demodulate the incoming signal. The DSP can be coded strictly in “C” or C-language can be intermingled with assembly code.include
Real Time Digital Signal Processor Code – Main.c file
BER Test Code
The design of control systems involving piezoelectric actuators and sensors requires an accurate knowledge of the transfer functions between the inputs and the outputs of the system.
Accurate estimates of the autocorrelation or power spectrum can be obtained with a parametric model (AR, MA or ARMA). With automatic inference, not only the model parameters but also the model structure are determined from the data. It is assumed that the ARMASA toolbox is presen
NeC4.5 is a variant of C4.5 decision tree, which could generate decision trees more accurate than standard C4.5 decision trees, through regarding a neural network ensemble as a pre-process of C4.5 decision tree.