Q: My compiler gives me a warning whenever I try to assign or compare the
value of NULL to an integral type (char, short, int, long). What's the
A: According to the standard, NULL is a
drop table if exists t1;
select null,\N,isnull(null),isnull(1/0),isnull(1/0 = null),ifnull(null,1),ifnull(null,"TRUE"),ifnull("TRUE","ERROR"),1/0 is null,1 is not null;
NULL NULL isnull(null) isnull(1
# Initialise
drop table if exists t1;
# Testing of NULL in a lot of different places
select null,\N,isnull(null),isnull(1/0),isnull(1/0 = null),ifnull(null,1
+++Date last modified: 05-Jul-1997
Q: My compiler gives me a warning whenever I try to assign or compare the
value of NULL to an integral type (char, short, int, long). What's the
* Null Video Hook
* Copyright (c) 2002 Philip Gladstone
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the
When a ResultSet.getXXX() method encounters a NULL in the database, it will convert it to a default value. For example, if NULL was encountered in a NUMBER field, ResultSet.getInt() will return 0. In
# amino.null
# Example of a null model file for protein sequences.
# The values in this file are the HMMER 2 default
# settings.
0.075520 # A
0.016973 # C
0.053029 # D
0.063204 # E
# nucleic.null
# Example of a null model file for DNA/RNA sequences.
# The values in this file are the HMMER 2 default
# settings.
0.25 # A
0.25 # C
0.25 # G
0.25 # T
0.999001 # p1