
源代码在线查看: amino.null

软件大小: 1007 K
上传用户: haowoainime
关键词: hmmer 源程序
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# amino.null				#				# Example of a null model file for protein sequences.				# The values in this file are the HMMER 2 default				# settings.								Amino								0.075520 # A				0.016973 # C				0.053029 # D				0.063204 # E				0.040762 # F				0.068448 # G				0.022406 # H				0.057284 # I				0.059398 # K							0.093399 # L				0.023569 # M				0.045293 # N				0.049262 # P				0.040231 # Q 				0.051573 # R				0.072214 # S				0.057454 # T				0.065252 # V				0.012513 # W				0.031985 # Y								0.997151 # p1							
